
Kristin Baker for State House



Kristin Baker 
Republican for State House


Meet Kristin Baker

A lifelong Republican, Kristin Baker is serving her first full term in the State House after working with Cabarrus County families for the last twenty-five years as a physician, as a Board of Trustees member for Cannon School, and as a volunteer with Present Age Ministries to help sex trafficking victims. She has practiced psychiatry in various settings in Concord, including private practice, hospital-based outpatient care with Carolinas Medical Center-Northeast, as a Clinical Director for Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare, and most recently as an independent consultant.  

Dr. Baker is a Morehead Scholar who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill in 1985. She attended the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill and graduated in 1989. Dr. Baker completed her Psychiatry Residency through Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and a fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at St. Louis Children's Hospital. She received board certification in both General Adult Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 
Dr. Kristin Baker has served as Medical Director for Hospice of Cabarrus County, on the Board of Directors for Mental Health America of Central Carolinas and for the Community Free Clinic. She’s helped Habitat for Humanity as a Women Build volunteer and strengthened her faith through engagement with Women of Vision, Reformed Theological Seminary, and the Women of Purpose Bible study.

She is married to Dr. Scott Baker, a physician with Charlotte Radiology and son of longtime Cabarrus pediatrician, Dr. Linny Baker. They have three adult children and attend Stonebridge Church Community.

A Life Dedicated to PeopleNot Politics 

Dr. Kristin Baker is a pro-life Christian, lifelong Republican, and political outsider. She has never run for political office, but she’s stepping forward now because we need more people in Raleigh with real-life experience and unshakeable, conservative core values. While raising her three children and helping countless others here in Cabarrus County, Kristin has witnessed this area grow and our economy change.  

Fiscal responsibility, in our homes and in our workplaces, is the foundation of a strong economy. Tax cuts and spending restraint fuel jobs here and all across the state. When businesses and taxpayers keep more of their hard-earned money, area families have better opportunities to pay bills and save for the future. On the contrary, when government regulation grows, businesses and healthcare providers spend too much time navigating the red tape, instead of helping their customers and patients. It drives up the cost on everything we buy and stifles innovation. 

Kristin wants to provide a new conservative voice in Raleigh, where she will champion solutions that empower individuals and hold our state government in check. She’s rooted here, ready to lead, and a real conservative.


Congressman Richard Hudson

North Carolina Troopers Association

North Carolina Police Benevolent Association

North Carolina Chamber Jobs Champion

North Carolina Values Coalition

National Rifle Association

Strong Conservative Values

Cut Taxes and Protect Taxpayer Dollars

Fix Healthcare with Private Sector Solutions

Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities and Human Traffickers

Defend the 2nd Amendment, Right to Life, and Religious Liberties

Invest in Students, Teachers, and Stronger Schools

Join The Team

Kristin Baker Team Signup

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